Welcome to St Mary’s Langho! Our school is a living and changing community and so one of the best ways to learn about us is to visit us. We welcome visits by all prospective families and have a wonderful community who are regularly part of school life. Visits can be arranged by contacting the school office. Several Open Days are also held each year in the autumn term.
At St Mary’s, the Church and our strong Catholic ethos are at the heart of what we do, and we work together as a community to encourage our children to use the gifts that they have been given by God for the benefit of others. We value the excellent support we have from our families, and want to work with all stakeholders to ensure our children are confident to take risks in a safe and loving environment, reach their goals and develop the highest aspirations. This is why we have such high standards in all aspects of school life. This is a happy, vibrant school, where we are proud of our children and our church-school community. All staff work together to nurture and develop the whole child.
It is apparent to all who enter our school that St Mary’s is a Catholic community where the teachings of Christ are followed. Every child, member of staff, parent and visitor is treated with respect. As a school, we are proud to serve the parish and the community by giving our pupils the very best possible start in their education. We want every pupil to become a successful lifelong learner; to develop his or her God-given talents to the full, and, in so doing, appreciate that God can be found in all things.
Our children’s wellbeing and development is at the heart of all that we do. Our very experienced staff are dedicated to their task of caring for our pupils and providing an innovative and stimulating curriculum. Our partnerships with families and the wider community are an integral part of our curriculum. Visitors are very welcome to our school and help to provide our pupils with a range of enriching experiences. Specialist music and sports teachers are used to develop pupils’ skills and learning.
The respectful behaviour of our pupils reflects the Christian ethos of our school. All pupils take an active role in caring for others, from reception pupils through to Year 6 who act as “gardeners” for their “seeds” in Reception. Our Faith Ambassadors and Stewards of Creation work very hard to ensure that all children are cared for and represent St Mary’s at many events. We also have a School Council who are elected by the children on an annual basis and who work hard representing the children. Our Head Boy and Head Girl and Deputies work hard to represent the values we believe in and act as role models to our pupils.
We look forward to welcoming you to our school.
God bless,
Miss C Boden
Head teacher