St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

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Religious Education

Our Faith

Our Faith underpins everything that we do at St Mary's. It helps us develop through The Gospel Values and teachings and is essentially part of who we are as individuals and as a family. We love our retreats, where we gather in the hall to pray and worship and reflect in a variety of ways, and to have our own private time with God. We worship daily through our daytime prayers and through assemblies (electronically at the moment and watched in each class). We also love inviting families in to worship with the class. We will continue to do this electronically to ensure we still feel like a family. We have GIFT Chaplains and Ambassadors who lead and carry out their duties beautifully, and we are incredibly lucky to have our own Chapel in school.  We have excellent links with our church, parish and Father Leo. 

The Sacramental Programme

New dates to be published soon

Open the Sacramental Programme Powerpoint Here

Salford Diocese Inspection Report

We are very proud of our inspection report from Salford Diocese, completed in May 2019, found here:


RE Curriculum

Subject Statement

Subject Overview

Subject Progression

Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina

Lectio Scripture Plan

Introducing Laudato Si’ – for children

Pope Francis has written a letter addressed to every person on this planet, asking us all to protect our common home, the earth. In his encyclical, Laudato Si’, Pope Francis speaks openly about the devastating effects of the ecological crisis has on people and the planet. He says that climate change is real, urgent and it must be tackled, asking us to remember that the climate is “a common good, belonging to all and meant for all”.

Click on the link below

This animation is based on the teachings found in the encyclical Laudato Si’, by Pope Francis. Find out more about the teachings on Laudato Si’.

Newsletters and letters

 Dear Friend - Letter to pupils.pdfJanuary February Worksheet.pdf

Our Mission Team

Our Mission Team is to serve and support the Catholic Life of the School so that we live as witnesses to Jesus Christ. When children become part of the Mission Team in Year 5, they remain as Mission Team members as they move into Year 6 and are included in the recruitment and training of the new Year 5 Mission Team members. They can easily be recognised by the school community because they will wear a special Mission Team badge on their jumpers.

The role of the Mission Team is to:

  • Give joyful witness of Christ in our school – missionary disciples.
  • Provide support for staff in the delivery of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all pupils across the curriculum.
  • Help with the delivery and development of the sacramental provision for the whole school.
  • Help with pastoral care of pupils.
  • Assist with the delivery and development of the prayer life of the school by supporting and delivering assemblies, class prayer times and prayer groups.
  • Develop and lead retreat experiences for staff and pupils.
  • Develop the use of the chapel/prayer room/ sacred spaces or areas
  • Be present at parents’ and open evenings to help with the welcome of all the community.
  • Develop outreach work and supporting local, national and international charities e.g. Caritas Diocese of Salford, CAFOD; working for change and being the change makers.
  • Be ambassadors for the school in school, in the parish and in other schools.

The right of withdrawal exists for all pupils in all types of school, including schools with and without a religious designation. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from part of RE.
