St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

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We follow the new Lancashire Scheme at St Mary's. We are very excited about developing Maths mastery at St Mary's and preparing our children with a good foundation of knowledge and skills and importantly the ability to consider how that is used and extended further independently in order to solve real life problems for the future. We have a regular Maths Information Evening each year. 

Subject Statement

Calculation Policy - Please look at the policy for your child's year group for the below. 

Subject Overview of Key Learning - Please look at the key learning for your child's year group for the year. This will help to check that they are on track to meet their targets!


Arithmetic progression of skills

Maths Ambassadors

During the first half term back, we will be choosing our new Maths Ambassadors.  Check back soon to see who our ambassadors are and what their plans for Maths at our school looks like! 
