Modern Foreign Languages
Our next MFL day will be Spain's National Day on Tuesday 23rd April...
Modern Foreign Languages: Spanish
This is the second year that we have studied Spanish at St. Mary’s. We will be using the Language Angels scheme of work and resources to ensure we offer a relevant, broad and vibrant curriculum that will inspire and excite our pupils using a wide variety of topics and themes. The overall aim is for all pupils to be willing and able to continue studying languages beyond Key Stage 2.
Some of our children have already had the opportunity to hear and speak different languages through their travel experiences and this is reflected in their enjoyment and excitement that they bring into school. In the past, we have enjoyed French days and this year we cannot wait to celebrate the languages we have in our world and the languages some of our children speak at home alongside English.
Travel and language is such an exciting element of life and we hope to continue that with virtual travel and creative experiences this year!
Our two MFL days this year will include celebrating:
- European Languages Day - Tuesday 26th September 2023 (see below for our photos!)
- Spain's National Day - Tuesday 23rd April 2023
Introducing our MFL Ambassadors 2023-2024...
MFL Club
Our MFL Club runs on a Monday lunchtime.
Autumn 2: Have a look at our photos where you'll see our Slovakian, Romanian and Arabic experts.
Spring 1: We were fortunate to have a visitor in to talk to us about Japanese. Mr. Chambers has worked in Japan. He now acts as a translator in his role as a software developer for Bae! Click here to read one of our MFL member's report on his visit.
European Day of Languages: 26 September 2023
Reception/Year 1: POLISH
Year 1/2: SPANISH
Year 2: IRISH
European Day of Languages: 26 September 2023
Year 3: FRENCH
Year 3/4: ROMANIAN
Year 4: GREEK
Year 5/6: GERMAN