St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

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School Meals                                          




Our school dinners are cooked on site with balanced ingredients from the Lancashire Schools menu. Tina, Deborah and Sophie work hard to provide nutritionally balanced meals that the children will enjoy.       

Adaptations can always be made for any allergies or intolerances. Please speak to our office team to help.

We ask that any changes from school dinners to packed lunches or vice versa be notified to bursar@ by email only .

Children choose their lunches in the morning register from the selection. The numbers to cook are calculated from the register so it is important that the children stick to their choice!

We alternate times of year groups going in for dinner to ensure the youngest have their tummies filled first, but then years 3 to 6 change position each day, so it is not always Year 6 waiting the longest.

Children in EYFS and KS1 have a fruit snack provided for free at breaktimes and KS2 can bring a healthy snack also. Water bottles are essential to keep hydrated through the day.

School Council keep us posted on their complements to the dinner staff and on next steps, for example, rotating the KS2 class dinner times, ensuring there are 'hot puddings' or other puddings left for KS2, and that portions are equal for all.

Salad Bar is a wonderful addition to school lunches. Year 6 children staff the salad bar with aprons, hats and clean hands! They serve salad, crusty bread and nachos to those wanting sides to their main course!

Friday Favourites is the most popular day for school lunches, and often children on packed lunches select school dinners just for Fridays. Children also may select certain days for school dinners, helping parents with their working routines and demands on time.

We are always open to feedback for ways we can support further.

We also say Grace before dinner in our classes as we close our morning learning, ensuring we thank God for what we are about to eat, knowing how lucky we are.

Here is the current  school menu.

You can click here for the link (which will be updated on their website for Autumn 23) or enlarge the menu below.
