We have a number of policies to ensure we follow correct procedures and guidance and comply with regulations, but also to always reach further in everything we do.
- acceptable-user-ks1-f
- acceptable-user-ks2
- admission-policy 5
- anti-bullying-policy
- attendance-policy-1-
- behaviour-23
- charging-and-remissions-policy-sept-2023
- child-friendly-bullying-policy-24
- child-friendly-bullying-policy-24 1
- collection-policy
- complaints-policy
- determined-admissions-policy
- emergency-closure-policy
- english-as-another-language-policy
- equality-charter
- e-safety-policy
- fairtrade-policy
- feedback-policy
- fresherplus-spring-and-summer-2024
- handwriting-policy
- health-and-safety-policy-23
- home-learning-policy
- intimate-care-policy
- lettings-policy
- medical-consent-form
- medical-needs-policy
- online-safety-children-s-policy-24
- pe-policy
- phonics-policy
- prayer-and-liturgy-policy
- pshe-policy
- re-policy
- school-meals-arrears-policy
- sen-policy
- sre-policy
- uniform-policy-1--1-
- visitor-policy
- volunteer-policy