St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

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School Tour

Click here for our school video!

We are proud to have a beautiful, engaging and stimulating environment for our children and families. 

Parents and carers are welcomed weekly for Celebration Assembly, Family Worship regularly, workshops for phonics, maths and English, family workshops celebrating topics studied in class, shows and sporting events. Not to mention parents evening and opening evenings.

Please remember, we love having a Mystery Reader, and can still do this through a webcam. Please contact the school office to book in a Mystery Read with your child's class. Just imagine their faces when you pop up on the screen in class!

As a Reception child told me recently, 'We saw you on the telly, Miss Boden!' We too can have our 15 minutes of fame!
Here are some photographs of our beautiful school and what the children have been up to recently!


Our 'Oh, the Places You'll Go' display displays the range of work enjoyed by the children to take them to the amazing places they want to go in life through their aspirations and hard work!

Our entrance display of the Gospel Values as they are at the heart of everything we do.

Our faith drives our Mission at St Mary's, and the compassion shown by our community is here to see in our prayer corner in the entrance.

Our lockdown art brightens up the measures to protect our children and families.

Our beautiful Chapel and Stations of The Cross.

Special art work in the Chapel, donated by Mrs Orr.

Screen printing - It is indeed time to care and use your voice!

Reading is a priority at St Mary's. It opens us up to the world beyond lockdown! We encourage reading each day to develop the skills for life to explore our world infinitely through books (or comics or signs, leaflets, newspapers etc etc!)

Loving their maths from the  Lancashire scheme, working systematically, practically, and problem solving whilst ensuring the foundations for learning are being embedded.

Busy with English and maths!

We have life and have it to the full (John 10:10), but you can only fit so much on a light box in the entrance! We mean every word!

Our rainbow of hearts shows our care for one another through our Mission and our Vision. Completed by children who returned in the wider opening.
Our Chapel is a perfectly peaceful place for reflection and couldn't have been timed better to give individuals that place to pray.


Our children clearly happy in their work! 

Children engaged in their work on Paddington.

Children engaged in their work on the Lochness monster!

Safety measures alongside inspirational art and memories!

Dare to have fabulous plans!

Our faith is important to us at St Mary's. We have our own prayer and prayer trees in every classroom and in the entrance and outside the Chapel. We cannot wait to build up our prayers but for the moment we say them privately and as a class.

You can just see our collage entry to our art competition, some rainbow art and screen printing from The British Textile Biennial at the bottom of the entrance corridor!

One of our fabulous parents arranged for our children's artwork to be held by her colleagues at the NHS. We are so proud that our children were able to support our amazing NHS.

As you walk towards the classes there are frames of the children's trips and visits.

Our Writing Wall of Fame! It is an honour and a privilege for your writing to appear in the Writing Wall of Fame Penguins! Get yourself published in a Penguin Book!

Our Safeguarding board helps the children to know where to go if they are worried about anything. School Council will add their thoughts and safe advice for others throughout the year.

Children hard at work in their smart PE kits. We wear our school logo hoodies and kits all day for PE. 


Enjoying maths from the Lancashire scheme with practical resources.
In the Early Years (Pre School and Reception) the children are constantly busy learning through play outdoors and in, with daily writing, phonics, reading and maths opportunities interwoven with their interests and new opportunities. We are very lucky to have a new purpose built unit that we are certainly making the most of!
Our studio enables us to have space for music, drama and dance, whilst allowing the hall to open up to a huge space when required. 

Culture is very important to us at St Mary's as we love to live life to the full, therefore our September begins with art week to inspire the children and fulfil the National Curriculum in as imaginative, informative and inspirational a way as possible, representing a range of artists, genders, cultures and media. Every child's work is displayed beautifully, with writing they have completed alongside, and scripture and prayers. It is important to us at St Mary's that the children maintain high standards for themselves and what they want to achieve and learn in life, and that it is done through the Gospel Values.
EYFS Art Week September 2020
Year 1 Art Week September 2020
Year 1-2 Art Week September 2020
Year 2  Art Week September 2020

Year 3 Art Week September 2020

Year 3-4 Art Week September 2020
Year 4-5 Art Week September 2020

Our library and computing area inspires our young readers through the work of Roald Dahl. We hold a 'Reading Rave' here weekly, where the winners of our reading incentive read and party!
